Helena's tragic background begins while working with Mycroft at Harvard. Helena was 'replaced' by Persy, by dint of Mycroft's abusive cruelty, though Helena stayed on as his research assistant throughout his time at Harvard, and then transferred with him to Yale. Since then, she's not had a lot of notoriety, though she's enjoyed success working for several corporations as an industrial psychologist.
Julie has been performing on stage and in films since elementary school. Her passion for music has led her career path as a teacher, vocal coach, and music director. She married her sweetheart, a Marriage and Family Therapist, and together, the two of them have created courses to help others improve their relationships and intimacy. Julie’s biggest life goal is to be a good human who affords others the safety of feeling seen and heard. She loves fiercely, and knows how to play with abandon and enthusiasm.
What do you hope people will get from listening?
Julie's Answer:
Tools and strength. As a survivor of relationship trauma myself, I recognize crucial tools in the stories of The Reclaimers. The podcast has also helped me vocalize my experiences and be able to ask more useful questions. I hope it will do likewise for our listeners.
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