articles & books

audio & video

apps & courses

Diversion Tactics Manipulative Narcissists Use
Describes 20 diversion tactics that narcissistic, sociopathic, and psychopathic individuals may use.

What Is Authentic Leadership?
To help you sort out real leadership from the toxic experience you may have had.

25 Signs Of A Covert Passive-Aggressive Narcissist
This article discusses the characteristics of a covert, passive-aggressive narcissist. 

6 Tips For Dealing With A Narcissist At Work
Provides advice from a psychotherapist on how to deal with narcissistic behavior in the workplace.

Narcissists At Work
Discusses the ways in which narcissists behave in the workplace and the impact they can have.

The 5 Stages of No Contact with a Narcissist
Discusses the benefits of no contact and the importance of self care during the healing process.

A Guide To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery
Provides a guide to recovery and suggests steps that victims can take to heal and move forward. 

6 Unexpected Ways I’ve Healed From Gaslighting 
Discusses the topic of gaslighting abuse and how to heal from it.

Am I Abusive?
Defines different types of abuse and provides examples of each.

How Narcissists Manipulate You
This Article Discusses the topic of manipulation in emotionally abusive relationships with narcissists.

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Click on each tab to see the
resources in that category.

articles & books

audio & video

apps & courses

Final Discard Stage Of Narcissistic Abuse 
Covers the truth and the misconceptions about being discarded by a narcissist. 

The "Victim" Narcissist  
In this video Meredith Miller gives you some pointers on how to tell who is playing the victim.

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resources in that category.

Click on each tab to see the resources in that category.

articles & books

audio & video

apps & courses

Use this game to find relief in moments of stress or rumination pain. This is a wonderful way to distract yourself and let your mind rest.

I Am Sober
Use this app to track the number of days you’ve gone no contact (and the benefits you gain each day you stay away from your abuser.)

Use this app to combat loneliness and thought traps after gaslighting.

Use this app to send yourself kind messages to combat the messages your abuser gave you.

Click on each tab to see the resources in that category.

Click on each tab to see the
resources in that category.

What Would Help You Most?

Places to start your local search:
  • Hospital (Look for support groups, then chat with the facilitator of that group)
  • University/College Psychology Department
  • Department of Professional Licensing in your state or city
  • Note: all of the 'Nationwide' Listings on this page have a 'local' section

National Domestic Violence Hotline & Site




search for a therapist

Women's Law

International Cultic Studies Association



Psychology Today

If the resources listed above feel overwhelming, just pick one to start with. Take in what you can and then leave the rest for another time. This page was designed to offer a lot of information so that you can return for what you need anytime things turn difficult.
If anything, the sheer number of resources above proves that others have been where you are and that you're not alone. 
Go at your pace. The resources are here when you're ready.

We believe in you.


The Empowering Tools Coalition

the ultimate resource: